About Jaimy

Learn more about Jaimy and her journey to happiness

My Story

There was a time when I struggled with anxiety and depression. The whole thing is kind of a blur. I grew up with family members who battled mental illness. I landed in a series of very unhealthy relationships and I believed that my thoughts were permanently ingrained in my brain and therefore my reality was out of my control.

I wish I could tell you that it was an overnight transformation but that would be a lie. The truth is that it has taken me decades to achieve the inner peace and joy that I have in my life. I had to learn through trial and error what would work for me. Today I am passionate about teaching you everything that I have discovered. I want to save you the grueling process of trial and error. I believe there are many ways to create your happiest, healthiest self! 

I stumbled upon neuro-linguistic programming one day when we were on a beach vacation. I was sitting on the balcony of a beautiful hotel, looking at the beach when I realized that my thoughts were morbid. As I looked at the ocean I worried about things that would likely never happen, I felt guilty about things that were not worthy of feeling guilty about and I was in an almost chronic state of panic. I knew it had to stop! And I knew there had to be a solution. I stumbled upon a YouTube video, which led to more YouTube videos, which recommended books, and eventually I received my NLP Practitioner certification. 

In a nutshell I learned that my negative thinking was a choice and a bad habit. I discovered that I had the ability to change this. It took a little longer for my unconscious mind to believe this but eventually it worked. Today I wake up in the morning and think of beautiful things. 

NLP changed my life. It doesn’t mean I never have a bad day or a worried thought. I am still human but I can now take responsibility for how I handle a situation. And by responsibility I mean that I now have the ability to respond in a way that will create the happiest, healthiest life possible. 

I believe in the mind body connection. This means that our thoughts which create our feelings and behaviors can positively or negatively affect our health. I have an autoimmune disease and spent a decade experiencing chronic symptoms which included fatigue, brain fog, and inflammation. With the help of Dr. Pizano from Mast Cell Advanced Diagnostics I am completely symptom free 99% of the time. My mind constantly thought it was in danger and created a fight or flight reaction which continually impaired my healing. Today I am not only a success story from Dr. Pizano’s practice I am also working directly with her patients teaching them everything I have learned through this process. For more information visit https://mastcelladvanceddiagnostics.com/