What can we work on?

How do you want to improve your life?

Relationships– I believe it only takes 1 person to change a relationship and that person is you. Many  people believe that if they

could just change someone or thing on the outside everything will be better. I believe that change has to come from inside. When you begin to change your own thought and behavior you will discover that people around you will change. This is all part of the process of attracting healthy people and repelling those are not. There are so many NLP techniques that can quickly transform your relationships. This could be a spouse, parent, child, friend or co-worker.


Health– I believe in the mind body connection. This means that your thoughts which create your feelings and behaviors can positively or negatively affect your health. NLP offers many techniques that can retrain and rewire your thinking patterns which will enhance your health and ability to heal. If your brain defaults to negative thinking you may be sending your body into a constant state of fight or flight. This causes stress hormones to be released and can be damaging to your health. NLP is just 1 component on the healing process and should always be used in conjunction with an appropriate medical team.  I work with Dr. Jessica Pizano’s practice from Mast Cell Advanced Diagnostics who I highly recommend to anyone experiencing mast cell or other auto immune related challenges. https://mastcelladvanceddiagnostics.com/


Habits– Many people struggle with a variety of bad habits. This could be negative thinking, second guessing yourself, over spending, procrastinating, reacting negatively, or not living in the present moment. These are simply bad habits that are likely connected to a belief that is no longer helpful to you. Discovering the belief and reframing it in a way that will create a happier life is an incredibly quick and powerful process.